public class Foo : IList
private List _Collection { get; set; } implements IList;
public Foo()
_Collection = new List();
//This would override the delegated implementation
// for nice mixin functionality and easy decorator pattern implementation
public int IList.Add(string value)
if (!_Collection.Contains(value))
2. 匿名返回类型
//faux code
public var GetProductInfos()
var productInfos =
from p in products
select new { p.ProductName, p.Category, Price = p.UnitPrice };
return productInfos;
3. Some Duck-typing or Structural Subtyping support
如果这东西走起来像鸭子,晃起来像鸭子,那么这就是鸭子!(James Riley)
那么这个和Structural Subtyping有什么区别?我承认structural subtyping更适合C#的静态样式,所以这是个'static duck typing',或者如wikipedia所述:
Duck typing与structural typing的区别仅在于类型中被访问的部分在运行期才做兼容性确认。
然后我们要遍历所有的控件,找出有ReadOnly属性的控件并把此属性设为true(译者注:这些控件本身没有实现 IReadOnlyRestricable),在ducktyping下我们可以把控件通过类型转换为IReadOnlyRestricable,就像下面代码一样,这样我们就不需要通过反射去定位ReadOnly属性了: foreach (Control c in f.Controls)
//would like to have implicit cast to IReadOnlyRestrictable
// if interface contract is in class we are checking against
IReadOnlyRestricable editable = c as IReadOnlyRestricable;
if (editable != null)
editable.ReadOnly = true;
在我看来ducktyping的最大好处是可以为你不需要访问的类库定义一些接口,这可以尽可能地减少相互依赖,你可以查看Phil Haacks more extensive post on duck typing这文章来看看为什么作者相信这对C#有好处。
Krzysztof Cwalina认为,很显然的,C#的foreach关键字已经使用了duck typing。
4. 安全的null延迟赋值操作符
//this would throw a null reference exception
// as usual if either Customer or Order was null
int orderNumber = Customer.Order.OrderNumber;
//this would not compile since it would require a nullable return type
int orderNumber = Customer.Order?.OrderNumber;
//this would return null if a Customer was null or if Order was null
int? orderNumber = Customer?.Order?.OrderNumber;
if (orderNumber.HasValue)
//... do something with it
//instead of having to do
if ((Customer != null) && (Customer.Order != null))
int a = Customer.Order.OrderNumber